Going on vacation can be an excellent way for foster families to bond and create lasting memories. However, vacation planning can also be stressful, especially when considering the needs and limitations of foster children. 

Plan Ahead

Planning is essential when it comes to vacationing with foster children. Discuss your vacation plans with your caseworker and get approvals and permissions well in advance. You’ll also want to research the destination and ensure it’s appropriate for your children’s ages and abilities.

Involve the Children

Involve the children in the vacation planning process as much as possible. Ask them for their input on where they would like to go and what activities they would like to do. This will help build excitement and anticipation for the trip and give the children a sense of ownership over the experience.

Consider Special Needs

Foster children may have special needs or requirements to consider when planning a vacation. For example, a child with a physical disability may need accommodations in the hotel room or transportation. Be sure to discuss any special needs with the caseworker and plan accordingly.

Be Flexible

Unforeseen circumstances, such as weather or illness, can disrupt vacation plans. Be prepared for flexibility and openness to adjust schedules. Have backup activities or destinations in mind if your original plans fall through. Remember that the most important thing is spending quality time together as a family, regardless of the specific activities or destinations.

Pack Thoughtfully

When packing for a family vacation, be sure to pack thoughtfully. Consider the specific needs of your foster children, such as any medications or special items they may need. You may want to bring familiar items from home to help ease any anxiety or homesickness.

Stay Connected

Staying connected with your caseworker while on vacation is essential for legal and emotional reasons. Be sure to provide your caseworker with your itinerary and contact information and check in regularly. Consider setting up video calls or sending postcards to connect the children with their birth families if appropriate.

Have Fun!

Most importantly, remember to have fun on your family vacation! Vacations are an excellent opportunity to bond as a family and create lasting memories. Don’t stress about details, and enjoy your time together.

Vacation planning can be a source of stress and anxiety for foster families. It can be a fantastic opportunity for bonding and creating lasting memories. Remember to involve the children in the planning process, consider any special needs or requirements, stay connected with your caseworker, and most importantly, have fun! By following these vacation planning tips for foster families, you’ll be able to create a memorable and enjoyable trip for everyone involved.