Adoptive parents are happy to have a child, and they are ready to gather as much information about adoption as they can. The spectrum of materials with information on adoption for online reading is broad. However, the 5 resources below in descending can be more accurate, comprehensive, and relevant for some parents.

Create A Family

Create A Family offers education on national adoption and infertility. It also contains a long list of resources from professionals in adoption. They provide accurate and unbiased information.

The Center For Parent Information & Resources

This site is specifically for families searching for information about special needs. The site also has a broad list of articles and resources on issues affecting parents with K-12 children.

Adoptive Families

Adoptive Families contains an extremely comprehensive catalog of adoption blogs, resources, and step-by-step guides. Advice from adoption experts covers more topics than you imagine. The site provides ample information on all imaginable topics. A large chunk of the site requires a paid subscription, but visitors can still find many free resources.

Adoption Learning Partners

Adoption Learning Partners is a source that families often use to get content for training before a home study. Adoption Learning Partners website is also a valuable resource for families interested in learning more about adoption at the first stages of the procedure.

The National Council For Adoption

AdoptTogether and the National Council for Adoption (NCFA) have developed a growing relationship in the past few years. Their collaboration in working together made interested parties gain high regard for their joint work. The two organizations have assembled general resources about a full spectrum of adoption procedures. They also found and highlighted the legislative changes touching on adoption policies and processes. NCFA passionately commits to the belief that all children deserve to thrive in a caring and permanent family. NCFA mission is to address the diverse needs of:

• Children
• Adopted persons
• Birthparents
• Adoptive families
• All people touched by adoption

It achieves the goal through research, education, global advocacy, and collaboration. Emerging itself in legislative action is also a method it also utilizes to accomplish the mission. People searching for nearby adoption professionals can use NCFA search tools.

Those who want additional information to add to the data they find from the top 5 above can visit It is an excellent resource despite missing out from reaching the list of the first five.