All children deserve a loving home.

adoption-UKI’m convinced this is something we all believe in, but I understand that our society doesn’t work perfectly.  Some families are fortunate to live and grow in one house together, while others are fragments by poverty, war, and injustice.  Our society is still struggling to give children to best opportunities for the future.

A recent report out of the United Kingdom alerts to the 24% decrease in children being considered for adoption.  According to the article, 69,540 children are currently being looked after in foster homes.  The 24% decrease in children being adopted comes from this group of children, many who have been waiting for permanent homes their whole lives.

When children are put in the care of the social services, their future becomes uncertain.  Without persistent attention and personal care, children can develop health problems.  Children in foster care are more likely to experience chronic medical problems.  Sadly, children in foster care are often victims of abuse.  While foster programs are improving in many countries, the best solution for these children is to find permanent homes to love and support them.

The United Kingdom’s Department of Education researched these statistics.  Concerning the findings, their spokesman remarked, “It is vital children can benefit from being in a loving and stable home, and we’re pleased to see that 5,000 children were adopted in the last 12 months.”

So why has there been a drop in adoption rates?  A series of court rulings have contributed to changes in the adoption procedures.  In 2013, the President of Family Court made the decision that every extended family member of the potential parents had to be tried in court before the child would be considered for adoption.

Family court cases became exceedingly tough on adoptive parents, which in turn made life hard for adopted children and potential children who would be taken out of foster care.  One mother with a history of drug and alcohol abuse was given no opportunity to prepare a case when she had her three children taken away from her.


Thank you for reading!

David Grislis