Experiencing the adoption process can be very challenging for adoptive parents and birth moms. Many factors go into making a decision, and it can be very emotional for both sides. Having the support of other families can help ease the burden. An adoption podcast can be a great way for anyone involved in the process to gather practical advice and support. Even if you’re not experiencing the adoption process’s most challenging moments, these podcasts can provide you with valuable information. Here are some great podcasts on adoption to check out in 2022.
Lets Talk Adoption
Let’s Talk Adoption is a weekly podcast that features discussions about the various aspects of the adoption process, including the pregnancy options, the process, and raising children. It is hosted by author and adoption expert, Mardie Caldwell. This is a great combination of education and practical resources that can help birth parents navigate the process.
Twisted Sisterhood
The goal of the podcast is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for birth moms who have experienced the adoption process. Through their personal experiences, Kelsey Ranyard and Ashley Mitchell hope to encourage other birth moms to share their stories. As the founder of the Lifetime Healing Foundation, which provides resources and support for birth mothers, Mitchell is passionate about helping others. Also, as the director of policy and advocacy for AdoptMarch, Ranyard is dedicated to supporting and helping birth moms. The podcast is available on various platforms such as Apple, Spotify, and Anchor.
Honestly Adoption
One of the most important messages that the adoption triad can deliver is that there are other people who are going through the same journey as them. With the help of real voices, this podcast features weekly episodes that feature stories from both the foster and adoption community. The goal of this podcast is to provide parents with encouragement and hope as they navigate the various aspects of the adoption process. Co-hosts Mike and Kristin Berry, as well as Nicole Goerges, share their own experiences as parents of special needs children, as well as those of adoptive and foster families.
I’m Adopted, Now What?
If you’re looking for a podcast that talks about the emotions of your child during the adoption process, then I’m Adopted, Now What? is the show for you. This is a talk show that aims to help people redefine what it means to be an adopted child. The show features a variety of questions that adoptive parents commonly ask their children. It can help them get a deeper understanding of their child’s emotional issues and help them manage their own identity. It also offers helpful tips on how to deal with self-esteem and identity issues.